The Postbox
A £23 million residential development providing 260 apartments, car parking and landscaped areas.
This development, in the centre of Birmingham involved the demolition of several two storey industrial units and the closure of an existing highway in the middle of the site.
The structure designed by Rodgers Leask Ltd, utilised reinforced concrete flat slab construction designed using Finite Element Analysis software. Structural stability to the structure was provided by Concrete lift and stair cores designed as shear cores which were slip formed in reinforced concrete. These elements transferred vertical and horizontal wind loads down to reinforced concrete pile caps and retaining walls which in turn are supported on 450mm diameter bored concrete piles to 16 metre depth.
A basement car park was designed under the residential properties and landscaped gardens were constructed within the central courtyard supported by a thickened podium slab. A close and effective working relationship with client & consultants pre novation and with the contractor post novation resulted in a project which was completed on time and within budget.