Opus 9
This £4 million distribution facility built as the first phase of the Opus 9 Development adjacent to the M6 provides warehouse facilities for a national clothing supplier.
The building comprises of double span steel portal frames with hit and miss columns down the centre of the structure. The building is supported on driven pile foundations with in situ concrete pilecaps and ground beams.
The ground bearing floor slab has been designed to accommodate loadings from Fork lift trucks and for the high bay racking loads within the storage area.
Loading bays at the sides of the structure have been formed from precast concrete units and integrate perfectly with the sub and superstructures. The depressed loading area provides surface water storage in 1 in 100 year flood conditions due to strict limitations imposed by the EA and site constraints.
This £4 million distribution facility built as the first phase of the Opus 9 Development adjacent to the M6 provides warehouse facilities for a national clothing supplier.