Jaguar Land Rover LOC
Jaguar Land Rover appointed Rodgers Leask to provide their geo-environmental, civil and structural services on the £130m development of the Solihull site
What we did
Civil engineering
Due to the footprint of the project being so large and the different features to be considered, this was an extremely complex scheme to co-ordinate and design.
A flood risk assessment and drainage strategy was produced to support the Planning Application, and were developed following detailed engagement with Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA).
The detailed designs included a significant S278 scheme to divert Damson Parkway around the site perimeter. We also designed the foul and surface water drainage systems – including surface water attenuation and SuDS treatment along with a significant length of off-site foul sewer, to provide the most economical solutions for the development.
A major design item for the scheme was determining the finished levels on site. The levels which were developed through the intrinsic
analysis of the site minimised earthworks cart off and limited the requirement for retaining structures.
Structural engineering
We completed the detailed structural design of the 12 bay steel portal frames that reached 19m in height. The frames were supported by traditional concrete pad foundations bearing on up to 4m of engineered fill. All information was designed collaboratively and presented to BIM Level 2 compliance using a combination of Revit, Tekla and Navisworks.
Geo-Environmental engineering
We were appointed to undertake a combined Phase 1 Desk Study and Phase 2 GeoEnvironmental Report that would be included
as part of the Planning Submission and would assist with the determination of the foundation and ground floor solution. A site conceptual model was created to allow a contamination risk assessment to provide recommendations for any remedial works considered appropriate.
Assessment of the suitability of materials for earthworks and classification of materials in accordance with the Specification for Highway Works was undertaken. A subsequent slope stability and retaining wall appraisal was provided.