Green Gables
76-unit residential scheme on former business centre site, including volumetric modular houses and traditional construction masonry and precast floor apartments.
What we did
Engaged during pre-planning to oversee drainage strategy and site constraints, crucial for informing architectural layout.
Post planning, we produced a comprehensive range of civil and structural engineering designs, covering S104 drainage, S278 & S38 highways, levels, foundations and superstructure.
We conducted detailed optioneering exercises for retaining structures, and served as temporary works engineers for both the main contractor and as Network Rail Designated Project Engineers.
Challenging conventional practices allowed for significant cost savings by locating crane outriggers on top of storage crates.
Our bespoke loaded pad foundation technique effectively monitored settlement of significant fill, meeting NHBC standards and ensuring stability without settlement issues.
Adding Value
Removal of S185 sewer diversion allowed for significant cost savings and eliminated residual live services risk.
Innovative solutions, like bespoke loaded pad foundations, ensured compliance with NHBC requirements, optimising project efficiency and cost.
Houses fabricated off site meant that the amount of wastage was considerably reduced.
“We resolved unforeseen site constraints with real-time adjustments to designs, such as a critical services bottleneck at the single access point.”