Etone College
Integrating a new building, paved areas and landscaping into the limited space of an existing school site.
What we did
Civil Engineering
We developed a sustainable drainage design featuring porous paving, tree
pits and rain gardens for treatment, amenity and biodiversity. The solution complements existing drainage, resulting in only a one litre per second additional discharge.
Structural Engineering
The design features a two-story steel frame building with heavy precast upper floors, meeting collapse category class 2B standards. Detailed ground bearing pad foundations and ground beams support a beam and block ground floor, ensuring adequate heave protection and coordinated installation with shallow- depth underground drainage.
Adding Value
The structural design was carefully considered to meet construction and layout needs, especially regarding heavy precast floors. This minimised temporary works during construction. Detailed steelwork planning facilitated clear zones for taller external glazing and simplified building service routing.
The existing surface water sewer running through the site was diverted around the new building footprint under agreement with Severn Trent Water.
“The building is designed with high ceilings maximising the size of external windows.”v
Image courtesy of CoArc.jpg