Behind the scenes in Bristol with Aimee and Rebecca


Aimee Meredith-Smith and Rebecca Marsden are both part of our geo-environmental team in Bristol, in engineer and consultant roles respectively. Having studied at the same university and in the same field, their careers started in a similar fashion and have continued in the same direction. Now, they are valued members of our team and have been speaking to us about what it’s like to work from our Bristol base in the South West.

When did you join Rodgers Leask and what does your role involve?

Aimee said: “My journey here began in July last year. The role involves work on and off site, which is important in helping deliver the responsive and reliable consultancy service our clients are looking for. The on site element involves supervision of groundworks, monitoring of the site and sampling, as well as generating and tracking data. Working alongside a site engineer on one of our biggest projects has proven a particularly insightful opportunity. Off site desk work comes with responsibilities including producing reports and technical drawings.”

Rebecca said: “Since joining in October 2022, my role has also been an even split of on and off site work – with seasonal weather trends meaning more office work during the winter and more trips to site during the spring and summer months. Aimee and I both completed geology degrees at university in Bristol, which has given us a head start in understanding the local area where many of our projects are located. My role now involves the same responsibilities as Aimee’s, but I have my favoured elements which are data collection and technical drawing production.”

What career opportunities have you been presented with at Rodgers Leask?

Aimee said: “I am regularly on site and interacting with the project team, which is something you don’t always have the opportunity to do elsewhere. Working across different projects and ground conditions, my ability to operate in different environments is growing. There is a good training plan in place too, with a blend of in-person and online seminars ensuring continuous professional development. In a wider business sense, the chance to go to industry events is something we’re encouraged to do – demonstrating the trust shown in us to represent the business and develop individually.”

Rebecca said: “There is an emphasis on becoming a specialist and really perfecting your craft, but the support is there to help you do this. Being surrounded by experts and the resources to support development at the same time as interacting with different engineering disciplines means appreciation and understanding of the wider industry becomes much easier.”

What is your proudest moment working for the business so far?

Aimee said: “There is a theme to my answers and it’s the importance of site work to me. Being given the responsibility to supervise earthworks independently is hugely rewarding and something I enjoy doing too.”

Rebecca said: “For me, it’s regularly contributing publishable work that influences clients and projects. It could just be advising where to dig and what to be mindful of, but this part of the expertise we’re known for as a business and a responsibility I am proud of.”

What challenges have you overcome so far and how has Rodgers Leask supported you?

Aimee said: “The transition from university studies to professional work naturally starts you on a new learning curve. There are lots of moving parts and important things to get familiarised with when you’re on site, such as health and safety procedures. Approaching a contractor to ask permission to take samples can be daunting at first but becomes easier as your confidence grows. You have to be prepared to battle the elements sometimes, but it’s worth it to gain valuable practical experience. Getting back to the comfortable environment of the office is very welcome on a cold day, but writing-up the results of your site investigations presents a different challenge. Fortunately, there are experienced colleagues around you to offer as much support as you need to ensure that your hard work on site is presented as comprehensively as possible.

Rebecca said: “It may not be related to my specific role, but when I joined the business I didn’t have a driving license which made commuting a challenge. My team was very supportive with fitting in lessons and offering me the flexibility needed to pass my driving test and increase my independence.”

How would you describe working at Rodgers Leask in Bristol?

Aimee said: “It’s a relaxed work culture with friendly people at the centre of it. There is good communication across the business and everyone is very accommodating, resulting in a good work-life balance.”

Rebecca said: “It’s a hard-working office, and results driven, but sociable and flexible too. We’re involved in lots of local projects which means we can see the difference we’re making in the area, and there are not too many hours spent on the road.”

What is your best advice for building a successful career in the engineering industry?

Aimee said: “Chat to different people and pay attention to the opportunities available. Also, take as much training as you can – everyday is a school day.”

Rebecca said: “Develop new skills wherever possible, do things you have not done before, and work out what you want to do and what you’re good at – but becoming an all-rounder won’t hurt either.”