Bilborough College extension gains planning permission


We are delighted to hear that Nottingham City Council has recently granted full planning permission for the proposed extension at Bilborough College, Nottingham.

Rodgers Leask was appointed in a multi-disciplinary role to undertake Transport Planning, Phase 1 Desk Study, Coal Mining Risk Assessment, Phase 2 Site Investigation, Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy work to support the planning application.

The work undertaken by our Transport Planning team built upon the ongoing Travel Plan commitments of Bilborough College and considered the modal share of both students and staff.

This work demonstrated that the existing on-site parking provision could accommodate the anticipated staff and student numbers and thus avoided the need for the on-site parking to be expanded.

Site investigation work targeted worked coal seams to assess voids and potential for influence on foundations.

Geotechnical settlement calculations were undertaken and an innovative stabilisation solution has been proposed for the site which will allow a raft foundation to be utilised for the two-storey steel frame and avoid the need for piling.

A project local to our Nottingham office, we can’t wait to see this progress to site and continue to support the scheme with detailed Civil and Structural Engineering design.