Major Development Granted Planning Approval
Great to hear that Mansfield District Council recently granted outline approval for the Pleasley Hill large sustainable urban extension at planning committee.

The 35ha scheme is set to deliver up to 850 dwellings, 17,000sq.m of Class E/B8 Business Use floor space, a Hotel, Care Home, Petrol Filling Station and Neighbourhood Retail along with the associated infrastructure and open space provision.
A significant amount of challenging work has been completed by the consultant team over the last few years in preparation for the planning application process, including a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), so we are sure the whole team will be delighted with the outcome.
Rodgers Leask has undertaken a multi-disciplinary role on the project, providing the following services:
Transport Planning
Rodgers Leask’s Transport Planning team produced the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan that accompanied the application submission, as well as the EIA Transport chapter.
The site’s multi-modal access solution includes an innovative LTN 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design led approach. Through productive dialogue with Nottinghamshire County Council highways, Rodgers Leask have secured an access approach that ensures non-motorised access is prioritised, with segregated cycle crossing facilities through site access junctions, and a commitment to providing a bus gate.
The Travel Plan included a range of innovative measures to ensure all trip types are targeted, with Rodgers Leask lined up to act as the side wide Travel Plan Co-ordinator.
Civil Engineering
Our Civil Engineering team produced the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy to support the planning application along with the ‘Water Quality, Hydrology and Flood Risk’ chapter for the EIA.
The surface water drainage solution utilises a combination of infiltration and positive outfall connections to suit the varied existing ground conditions across the site.
The design proposals were sympathetic to other key site constraints such as ecology, topography and the existing watercourse which flows through the site.
Rodgers Leask Environmental
Helping to collate various ground related reports, Rodgers Leask Environmental (RLE) initially produced a Technical Note summarising the key issues relating to the ground and providing recommendations relating to contamination, gas and foundations.
Following this, RLE were then asked to produce the ‘Land Contamination’ chapter for the EIA. A fantastic team effort from all involved with the project and we cannot wait to see the scheme progress to site!